New York Times continues Trump s anti-China campaign by claiming that China hindered a WHO investigation into the origins of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and is withholding data.
The information could be key to determining how and when the outbreak started, and to learning how to prevent future pandemics.
Chinese scientists refused to share raw data that might bring the world closer to understanding the origins of the coronavirus pandemic, independent investigators for the W.H.O. said on Friday.
The investigators, who recently returned from a fact-finding trip to the Chinese city of Wuhan, said disagreements over patient records and other issues were so tense that they sometimes erupted into shouts among the typically mild-mannered scientists on both sides.
About 90 people were hospitalized with coronavirus-like symptoms in the country in the two months before the virus’s detection in Wuhan, said World Health Organization researchers who pressed Beijing for further study.
Coronavirus DID start in China and exploded at a Wuhan wet market after spreading from bats - despite Beijing s claim it could have arrived on frozen Australian beef, WHO scientist says
An Australian scientist part of the WHO s Covid fact-finding mission in China said the virus started in Wuhan
WHO scientists have lent credence to Beijing s assertions that the Covid pandemic originated outside China
The investigators rubbished theory Covid leaked from a lab as fact-finding mission to China concludes
WHO called for further studies into whether virus was imported into China, possibly on frozen foods
Findings will be a PR coup for Beijing, which has repeatedly pointed finger of blame for pandemic overseas
There is no evidence of to back up the lie peddled by ruling circles in the US and Europe, and reported largely uncritically in the media, that the SARS-CoV-2 virus was made and released by Wuhan Institute of Virology.