“In one severe abuse of freedom of religion, religious freedom has been amalgamated with political strategies or policies of protecting the reputation of religions against defamation."
A Regina Public School Board committee voted unanimously in favour of a motion to support professional development for school staff regarding topics related to gender and sexual diversity, at a meeting Tuesday.
REGINA A motion, based on offering more opportunities for gender identity education to school staff, will be presented at the Regina Public School Board meeting on Tuesday evening. The board s Organizational Culture and Diversity Committee will present a motion that would support professional development for school staff regarding topics related to gender and sexual diversity. The meeting agenda said the organizational culture and diversity committee would receive regular reports and be appraised of required training and regular support for all staff . The report indicates that the Regina Board of Education recognizes that every student, staff and community member has equal value as prescribed under the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Saskatchewan Human Rights Code.”
LETTER | M sians deserve affordable housing with shared prosperity
LETTER | The shortage of affordable housing is one of the typical issues haunting Malaysians. The availability of better-paying jobs and various business opportunities in the urban areas has caused rural-to-urban migration to ever-expanding cities in Malaysia.
As the urban population continuously grows, land scarcity has caused property prices to rise, making housing less affordable for most urban dwellers, especially for below 40 percent (B40) households.
Recently, the Better Malaysia Foundation (BMF) has proposed to develop apartments in the centre of the city with a sale price of RM120,100 to RM300,000 with an area from 450 sq ft to 900 sq ft. The development plan s primary purpose is for affordable housing with a single vision - to help the government achieve the homeownership aspirations of B40 groups.