By Mark Rackay
When I think about moose, the first image that pops into my head is that of Bullwinkle, a cartoon of my youth. Even though Bullwinkle did not look much like a moose, he still kept me entertained for hours. Bullwinkle was also a nickname that we secretly assigned to my grade school principal, but thatâs another story.
Up until about 30 years ago, the only moose you saw in Colorado, other than in the Denver Zoo, was probably a member of the Wyoming herd which got lost and found himself in the Northern part of the state by accident.
Recent rains mean that vegetable gardens are booming all across San Antonio
Calvin Finch, Gardening
Jalapeño pepper plants will benefit from a side dressing of slow-release 19-5-9 fertilizer.Yi-Chin Lee /Staff file photoShow MoreShow Less
Onion tops flop over when they are ready to be harvested. Pull them from the soil and let them dry for two or three days before you place them in mesh bags to store in an air conditioned room.Jon Shapley /Staff file photoShow MoreShow Less
If you planted a vegetable garden this spring, it is probably performing. The generous rains have brought the total rainfall up to the normal average for the year and filled the Edwards Aquifer to the normal level for May. Here are some issues to consider in the vegetable garden.