The yellow-flowered “Magnolia Elizabeth” (pictured above) was planted by Welles and Molly Moore 21 years ago. The tree, the result of a breeding program to create a yellow-flowered variety, at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, began in 1953. The garden.
The author, an aeronautical engineer, was longlisted in 2019 for ‘Women of the Five Senses.’ He wins for ‘Notebooks of the Bookseller.’
Jalal Barjas in the digital announcement of his win of the International Prize for Arabic Fiction. Image: IPAF
‘Rich, Refined Language’
In its announcement this afternoon Gulf time (May 25), the United Arab Emirates’ 14th International Prize for Arabic Fiction has named the Jordanian novelist and aeronautical engineer Jalal Barjas the winner of its US$50,000 honor for his novel
Notebooks of the Bookseller, published by the Arabic Institute for Research and Publishing.
Barjas was longlisted for this award in 2019 for
Top Arab-World Authors at the Abu Dhabi International Book Fair
The cultural program at this year’s Abu Dhabi International Book Fair, curated by the Emirates Airline Festival of Literature, features a strong roster of writers from the Arab world. (Sponsored)
International Prize for Arabic Fiction-winning author Hoda Barakat speaking at Abu Dhabi International Book Fair 2018. Publishing Perspectives’ post-win interview with Barakat is here. Image: ADIBF
By Publishing Perspectives Staff
Publishing Perspectives readers will remember, the Emirates Airline Festival of Literature this year staged many of its events in physical formats in Dubai, with extensive digital streaming, as the Abu Dhabi International Book Fair now is doing. The festival drew 117,000 attendees.
Notebooks of the Bookseller wins 2021 International Prize for Arabic Fiction Tue 25th May 2021 | 04:30 PM
ABU DHABI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News / WAM - 25th May, 2021) Notebooks of the Bookseller by Jalal Barjas was today announced as the winner of the International Prize for Arabic Fiction (IPAF). The novel, published by The Arabic Institute for Research and Publishing, was named as this yearâs winner by Chair of Judges Chawki Bazih during a virtual winner ceremony.
In addition to being awarded USD $50,000, funding will be provided for the English translation of Notebooks of the Bookseller, and Barjas can expect to see an increase in book sales and international recognition.