ABD Savunma Bakanlığı (Pentagon) Sözcüsü John Kirby, Kabil Büyükelçiliğindeki personelin tahliyesine ilişkin operasyonun başladığını ve ülkedeki birliklerine ilişkin herhangi bir saldırı olması halinde karşılık vereceklerini belirtti.
Zaměstnanci amerického velvyslanectví v Kábulu dostali od svých nadřízených instrukce, aby začali se skartací citlivých dokumentů. Informovala o tom dnes agentura AFP a stanice CNN. Zaměstnanci mají také zničit předměty, které by mohli povstalci využít ve své propagandě.
Biden had given the Pentagon until Aug. 31 to complete the withdrawal of the 2,500 to 3,000 troops that were in Afghanistan when he announced in April that he was ending U.S. involvement in the war. That number has dropped to just under 1,000, and all but about 650 are scheduled to be gone by the end of the month; the 650 are to remain to help protect the U.S. diplomatic presence, including with aircraft and defensive weapons at Kabul airport.