Frankfurt am Main (ots) - Schon immer gelten sie als "Betongold": Immobilien als Investitionsgüter. Wie 81 Prozent der Befragten in einer bevölkerungsrepräsentativen Studie des digitalen Versicherungsmanagers
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Heaven on earth and other German expressions
The pandemic has been dominating headlines over the year, but our planet is also begging for attention. To honor Earth Day, here are a few down-to-earth idioms from the German language.
8 German expressions using the word earth
Wie Pilze aus der Erde schießen To shoot up out of the earth, but the more common variant is (wie Pilze) aus dem Boden schießen. It means that something appears very quickly, or that things spring up all over the place, just like mushrooms seems to multiply before your very eyes.
8 German expressions using the word earth