2021-01-18 16:36:16 GMT2021-01-19 00:36:16(Beijing Time) Xinhua English
DAR ES SALAAM, Jan. 18 (Xinhua) Tanzania s three state-run conservation authorities are planning to create wildlife sanctuaries on Lake Nyasa s two major islands to make them tourist destinations, an official said on Monday.
Afrikanus Challe, a wildlife official for Ruvuma region, said plans to introduce sanctuaries for wild animals on the two islands of the lake shared by Tanzania, Malawi and Mozambique were at an advanced stage.
Challe told a meeting of the Ruvuma regional consultative committee that the animal sanctuaries will be created jointly by the Tanzania National Parks, the Tanzania Wildlife Management Authority and the Tanzania Forest Services Agency.
Bombay Africans and Dr Livingstone’s Last Journey Exploring an explorer
Lady Nyasa, though frail, surprisingly succeeded in making a very long journey from Zambezi to Bombay carrying Dr David Livingstone, the well known Scottish explorer to Africa.
Nearly 178 years ago, Africa was called the Dark Continent by Europeans living in dark about the continent with little or no knowledge about its people or geography.
Dr Livingstone is a live subject. Since his death on May 1 1873, hardly a week passes when something or the other about him is not being researched. In one such exploration I found his very brief connection with Mumbai, then Bombay.
1865 (undated)
1 : 62070000
A very attractive manuscript schoolboy map of the world executed by George A. Knight, in or about 1865. The map covers the world on a double-hemisphere projection, with geographical features corresponding very closely to the two separate maps of the Eastern and Western Hemispheres printed in
Mitchell s Intermediate Atlas. Specifically, the 1865 editions exhibit similarity and are likely the source used for this map.
An Extraordinary Example of a Schoolgirl mapThe map is meticulously drawn, inked, and colored. The border is one of the most finely-executed we have seen on a map of this kind: an exceedingly clear, fine-lined botanical motif, embellished with four cornucopias, and naming three of the cardinal directions. In place of north, above map s title is a variation on the theme of the Great Seal of the United States: a Bald Eagle, with olive branches and arrows astride a shield with the Stars and Stripes, and t