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In June 1990, future South African president Nelson Mandela addressed a joint session of Congress only months after being released from 27 years in a South African apartheid prison. He reminded the political leadership of the United States that “to deny people their human rights is to challenge their very humanity. To impose on them a wretched life of hunger and deprivation is to dehumanise them.”
Mexico Jan 21, 2020
Hundreds of Central American migrants were stranded in a sort of no-man’s land on the river border between Guatemala and Mexico after running up against lines of Mexican National Guard troops deployed to keep them from moving en masse into the country and on north toward the U.S. Immigration Jan 19, 2020
The U.S. government says it will deport a Honduran mother and her two sick children, both of whom are currently hospitalized, to Guatemala as soon as it can get them medically cleared to travel, according to court documents and the family’s advocates. The family’s advocates accuse the U.S. of disregarding the health of the children, ages 1 and 6,.
Fact Check: Is the U.S.-Mexico Border More Secure Than Ever, as Trump Says?
On 1/13/21 at 1:31 PM EST
President Donald Trump visited the U.S.-Mexico border wall in Alamo, Texas, on Tuesday to discuss his accomplishments in immigration and border safety.
During his speech, he boasted of his barrier construction along the border, his commitment to law enforcement and warned that loosening his tough immigration policies would be a disaster.
The Claim
Trump said he inherited a broken, dysfunctional and open border where people were pouring in at will.
Trump then noted that since taking office, he reformed the immigration system and achieved the most secure Southern border in U.S. history.