The Simpsons have collaborated on two new limited-edition pairs of shoes.
The shoes will pay tribute to the show s two most iconic drinks: Duff Beer and the Flaming Moe!
As of right now, the Flaming Moe s shoes haven t been released to the world. Fans can expect the Duff Beer shoes to be released on May 19.
Shoes will come in a box designed like the Simpsons classic purple TV. Check them out below:
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5%, 330ml, 1.7g sugar, 97 calories, $25 for 10
Pure Piraña is a Heineken brand that launched its two flavours into New Zealand last September. We all thought this one smelled like Sprite, which is a good thing. As for the taste, Leonie Hayden reckoned “watered down Sprite”, while Toby Manhire got shandy vibes. Michael felt it would be a good beer pong beverage, while Leonie said “I would happily drink many litres of that until I regretted it”.
Berg Blackberry, Dirty Water Lemon Lime and Pure Piraña Lime
7) Greenhill Seltzers Pamplemousse (
6%, 330ml, 6.4g sugar, 565kj (127 calories), $27 for 10
Greenhill is a New Zealand company based in Motueka, with three vodka-based seltzers on the market. The grapefruit version (pamplemousse is French for grapefruit innit) has an adorable moose on the can (geddit?), but we were not swayed by that because remember, #blindtasting. Alice Neville equated the aroma to posh fizzy drink San Pellegrino Pompelmo (that’s Italian for grapef
Screenplay News and Reviews
The first 10 seasons of
The Simpsons are often considered by fans as containing the classic episodes of the animated sitcom. These seasons contained the most original storylines, drawn from the heart of the writers. Many of
The Simpsons original writers were heavily involved with the show during these seasons. As a result, some of the show’s greatest episodes were produced between season one and season 10.
10 Season 6: Bart Vs Australia
As the seasons went on,
The Simpsons began to lean on silly episodes above poignant ones. “Bart Vs Australia” is one such silly episode where Bart manages to anger the entire nation of Australia. The US government sends him and his family to Australia to publicly apologize and fix the rift Bart’s actions have caused.