MY EDMONDS NEWS Posted: January 5, 2021 794
From left, Edmonds Lions Club volunteers Brad Kemper, Karla Sullivan, Dave Sullivan and Nolan Green collect donations outside Walnut Street Coffee in downtown Edmonds in October. (File photo by Teresa Wippel)
The Edmonds Lions Club is hosting an online fundraiser for the Edmonds Food Bank, and all are invited to contribute.
In past years, the Lions Club would raffle off gift cards donated by local restaurants, with proceeeds to benefit for the food bank.
But with restaurants experiencing lower than normal business due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the club decided to forgo the raffle this year and replace it with a GoFundMe drive. The goal is to raise $1,000.
MY EDMONDS NEWS Posted: January 5, 2021
Dick Van Hollebeke
Former Edmonds City Councilmember and long-time Edmonds resident Dick Van Hollebeke was remembered Monday for his devotion to the city he called home for more than four decades.
Van Hollebeke his died Saturday after a prolonged battle with brain cancer. He was 80 years old.
The owner of Van Hollebeke Insurance & Financial Services in Edmonds from 1980 until 2011, Van Hollebeke was on the Edmonds City Council from 1995-1999. He also served on the the Edmonds Community College Foundation Board and the college’s Board of Trustees. The Washington State Association of College Trustees selected him for the 2016 Trustee of the Year Award, citing his leadership and service to the college and students during his 10 years of service from 2005-2015. He also served on the boards of the Edmonds Food Bank and the Edmonds Petanque Club.
MY EDMONDS NEWS Posted: December 31, 2020
express my gratitude for all the goodness I saw in 2020.
For starters, members of our community stepped up to help others. In the midst of COVID-related layoffs and worries about how to pay the rent/mortgage/utilities and keep food on the table,
our local organizations came together to provide for those in need. With support from the city council and mayor, the City of Edmonds worked tirelessly to ensure grant money was available to both residents and businesses to offset the impacts of the pandemic. The Edmonds Chamber of Commerce also stepped up to assist by coordinating business-to-business grants. Nonprofit organizations like the Edmonds Food Bank and the Edmonds Waterfront (Senior) Center figured out how to maintain social distancing providing drive-thru and delivery options for those in need. To address the isolation caused by the pandemic, volunteers also made calls to local seniors, to check on their wellbeing. When the Edm
MY EDMONDS NEWS Posted: December 21, 2020
March 8, 2020. International Women’s Day. I didn’t realize that would be last day this year that I’d be in a room with more than five people. What many of us felt would be maybe two to three months of hunkering down has turned into nine months (and counting) of pivoting every area of our lives. The holidays have elevated our frustration to new heights, not being able to physically visit with family, have holiday parties with friends and coworkers, or not being able to visit your favorite restaurant because it may be closed temporarily or permanently.
MY EDMONDS NEWS Posted: December 15, 2020
Members of the Windermere Edmonds office present a check to the Edmonds Food Bank.
The Edmonds Food Bank offered thanks to the Windermere Edmonds Real Estate office for its support in 2020. “Through shredding events, food drives and GoFundMe drives, their creative team has provided the food bank with over $40,000 in donations this year,” Food Bank Board Member Judy Salinas said. “We say thank you to everyone involved for helping with food insecurity in Edmonds.” One Reply to “Scene in Edmonds: Food bank says thanks to Windermere Edmonds office”
Julia Wiese says: