Renting with a pet may have just become easier, as the Government has moved to prevent landlords from having blanket bans on animals in their properties.
The Government has amended its Model Tenancy Agreement, which is the recommended contract for landlords, to make allowing pets the default position.
Under the new rules, which were announced by the housing minister Christopher Pincher, landlords will have to object in writing within 28 days of a written pet request from a tenant, and provide a good reason for their objection.
Landlords should not have blanket bans on pets in their properties, the Government has said
Versium Launches New Consumer Marketing Data Technologies to REACH Platform
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The new enhancements empower marketers to target based on job profile and consumer profile via an easy-to-use, single technology platform. Now businesses can effectively reach work-from-home professionals in the post-COVID-19 new normal.
“The lines of demarcation are less distinct than ever between the business persona and the consumer,” said Dillana Lim, CEO of Versium. REDMOND, Wash. (PRWEB) January 21, 2021
Versium, a market-leading data analytics and identity resolution company has launched a new suite of consumer marketing tools to the company’s REACH platform. Released in 2019, Versium REACH previously focused exclusively on B2B marketers, enabling them to identity, understand and reach more of their ideal targets. With its latest launch, B2C marketers can now leverage the power of REACH.
Pet owners in mainland Britain will now have to get an animal health certificate no more than 10 days before travel to the EU and Northern Ireland. AFP
Britain will be in a new category – known as Part 2 listed status – under European Union pet travel rules, and no longer able to utilise passports which had permitted seamless continental feline and canine journeys.
Among the changes, pet owners in mainland Britain will now have to get an animal health certificate (AHC) no more than 10 days before travel to the EU and Northern Ireland.
Although the new regime is less onerous than if Britain had not been granted so-called listed status, it has left owners and others involved in pet travel unimpressed.
LONDON, Jan 2 ― Vets, pet owners and others in Britain are bracing for new and potentially costly bureaucracy from yesterday, when the UK ends participation in the EU passport scheme for cats and dogs. Britain will be in a new category ― known as Part 2 listed status ― under European Union.
Vets, pet owners and others in Britain are bracing for new and potentially costly bureaucracy from Friday, when the UK ends participation in the EU passport scheme for cats and dogs. Among the changes, pet owners in mainland Britain will now have to get an animal health certificate (AHC) no more than 10 days before travel to the EU and Northern Ireland.