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Compiled and Edited by the Crosswalk Editorial Team 2021 14 Jan
Right before Jesus ascended into heaven, he instructed his followers to stay in Jerusalem until
the event happened. What event? They didn’t know. So they waited. Ten days later, the Holy Spirit stepped onto the scene and indwelled all of them in an event known as Pentecost. What is Pentecost? As discussed below, it’s the birthday of the church, when the Holy Spirit indwelled believers, and after they spoke in Jerusalem, they converted the first few thousand to the church.
But Pentecost didn’t take place ten days after the ascension by accident. It happened to fall during Sukkot, a Jewish harvest festival, showing that the seeds God had planted had finally come to harvest through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. In this article, we’ll dive into what Pentecost is, and why Christians should know about this important event