South Sudan: Response scale-up for highly food insecure areas - Situation Report No. 6 (As of 30 April 2021)
• In April, Food Security and Livelihoods (FSL) Cluster partners reached some 372,000 people with food assistance in the six priority 1 food insecure counties of Pibor, Akobo, Aweil South, Tonj East, Tonj North and Tonj South. This represents 82 per cent of the 450,000 people targeted.
• Close to 8,000 children under age 5 and over 4,000 pregnant and lactating women were reached with nutritional assistance through 96 static nutritional facilities, 28 outreach sites and 12 stabilization centres across the six counties.
In Aweil South, nutrition sites rely on ponds or stagnant seasonal rivers for their water.
Adaptations in the management of child wasting in the context of COVID-19 in South Sudan
This case study outlines the adaptations to COVID-19 that Concern made to our integrated nutrition programme that treats children with severe and moderate acute malnutrition in South Sudan. The adaptations aimed to minimise the risk of COVID-19 transmission while continuing services for the management of child wasting.
The case study demonstrates how the Concern South Sudan team adapted its nutrition programme to continue critical nutrition services during the COVID-19 pandemic. The adaptations ensured a greater continuity of lifesaving Community-based Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM) services among the most vulnerable populations while protecting beneficiaries and service providers from contracting COVID-19. The programme adjustments are based on guidance from the South Sudan Nutrition Cluster s COVID-19 guidance.
South Sudan Nutrition Cluster: 2021 Gender-Based Violence (GBV) ACTION PLANS
In South Sudan, the cumulative effects of years of conflict, violence and destroyed livelihoods has led to a humanitarian emergency of high proportions. The launch of the National Development Strategy 2018-2021 with the overall objective of consolidating peace and stabilizing the economy echoes the peace optimism including new opportunities “Improved food security and livelihoods, and revitalize the national economy” in the coming years for South Sudan’s women, men and children. Nutrition, gender inequality and gender-based violence (GBV) are often interrelated. Evidence shows that higher levels of both acute and chronic malnutrition for women and girls is directly related to gender-inequitable access to nutritious foods, quality health care, and water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services. Gender-inequitable access to food and services is a form a GBV that can, in turn, contribu
GBV safety audits in nutrition sites in South Sudan
In South Sudan, the cumulative effect of years of conflict, violence and destroyed livelihoods has led to a humanitarian emergency of high proportions. The recently revitalized peace process promises to offer new opportunities in the coming years for South Sudan’s women, men and children. The launch of the National Development Strategy 2018-2021 with the overall objective of consolidating peace and stabilizing the economy echoes the peace optimism.
The Nutrition Cluster currently comprises 64 active partners from Government, UN agencies, Donors and national and international Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) supporting the implementation of nutrition responses on the ground. Detection and treatment of children and women affected by severe or moderate acute malnutrition is carried out through slightly over 1000 nutrition sites established across the country. Nearly 860,000 children under the age of five ye