Amou Haji has appeared online as the dirtiest man alive. He is said to have gone through a lot in his 80+ years of life, which has contributed to him leaving his family and living in the desert. He has reportedly not taken a bath in over 60 years and appears to look ashy and like a clay sculpture. He believes that drinking lots of water is the key to staying healthy, and drinks 5 litres a day, but believes that cleanliness is the downfall of one's health.
TTO - Từng khét tiếng là một trong những hacker nguy hiểm nhất thế giới, nay Hiếu PC lựa chọn đi đường thẳng chứ không đi đường hẻm, đường tắt. Trở thành chuyên gia an ninh mạng, anh quyết tâm dùng trí tuệ cống hiến cho nước nhà.
T-Mobile US Inc (TMUS.O) said on Wednesday an ongoing investigation into a cyberattack on its systems revealed that some personal data of about 7.8 million of its current postpaid customers were compromised.