Learn about drugs, the history of the drug war and drug policy with these recommended books from leading experts in the reform movement. Our list is updated regularly.
There Are No Dead Here: A Story of Murder and Denial in Colombia
By Maria McFarland Sánchez-Moreno, Executive Director of the Drug Policy Alliance
Top 10 books about Colombia
‘Love for a country can often feel like love for a person’ … Medellín, Colombia. Photograph: Nicolas De Corte/Alamy Stock Photo
‘Love for a country can often feel like love for a person’ … Medellín, Colombia. Photograph: Nicolas De Corte/Alamy Stock Photo
There is more to this rich and varied country than Gabriel García Márquez, coffee and its violent past. Novelist Julianne Pachico shares her favourite books about her childhood home
Wed 5 May 2021 06.38 EDT
Growing up in Colombia in the 1990s, I rarely saw any tourists. That has changed dramatically in the past decade, especially following a historic peace deal with the Farc in 2016. My novel The Anthill examines the transformation of Medellín from a war-torn city wracked by violence into a trendy, rapidly gentrifying destination for digital nomads, bitcoin investors and self-righteous religious groups. But the past is never easily shed.