Let’s make 2021… fast! An annual front-end performance checklist (available as PDF, Apple Pages, MS Word), with everything you need to know to create fast experiences on the web today, from metrics to tooling and front-end techniques. Updated since 2016. Ah, you can also get useful front-end tips in our email newsletter. This guide has been kindly supported by our friends at LogRocket, a service that combines
frontend performance monitoring, session replay, and product analytics to help you build better customer experiences.
LogRocket tracks key metrics, incl. DOM complete, time to first byte, first input delay, client CPU and memory usage. Get a free trial of LogRocket today.
// script.src url;
When debugging using https://mobileapp. moodledemo. net/, the library loads correctly if the Moodle server is at localhost and load the library from the server, but gives the following security policy error in any other case:
Refused to load the script https ://cdn.rawgit. com/openlayers/openlayers.github.io/master/en/v6.0.1/build/ol.js because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: script-src self unsafe-inline unsafe-eval http://localhost: filesystem: cdvfile: file: . Note that script-src-elem was not explicitly set, so script-src is used as a fallback.
This is due to the meta tag entered in the app s index.html