Class action lawsuit filed against company pushing unsafe ionizers to reopen classrooms across the US
In the interest of reopening schools as soon as possible, hundreds of K-12 school districts, private schools, and universities across the US have spent hundreds of millions of dollars in federal relief funding provided by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) to purchase Needle Point Bipolar Ionizers (NBPIs), supposedly to clean indoor air and kill coronavirus particles.
Despite their lofty claims to neutralize virus particles, recent independent studies show that NBPIs do not improve indoor air quality. A recently filed class action lawsuit consolidates the science by air quality experts and puts forward strong refutations against the claims made by manufacturers, and echoed by hundreds of districts and campuses across the country, that NBPIs are safe and remove pathogens including SARS-CoV-2 from the air.
Some have stuck to proven technologies like HEPA filters. But others turned to new products with little testing that backs up whether they work or are safe.
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As Schools Spend Millions on Air Purifiers, Experts Warn of Overblown Claims and Harm to Children
“It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy. The more people buy these technologies, the more they get legitimacy”
Last summer, Global Plasma Solutions wanted to test whether the company’s air-purifying devices could kill covid-19 virus particles but could find only a lab using a chamber the size of a shoebox for its trials. In the company-funded study, the virus was blasted with 27,000 ions per cubic centimeter.
San Diego educators interview atmospheric chemist Dr. Delphine Farmer on air quality in schools
The West Coast Educators Rank-and-File Safety Committees are meeting at 2:00 p.m. PST this Saturday, May 8. Register here to attend and invite your coworkers and friends to join the meeting!
This week, many schools have expanded in-person learning in a number of major districts across the West Coast of the United States, including in Los Angeles, San Diego, Oakland and Seattle. This takes place as more infectious SARS-CoV-2 variants continue to pummel hospital systems and health care facilities in states from Michigan to New York, as well as in neighboring Canada and countries from the Philippines to Brazil and India, the latter of which has become the global epicenter of the pandemic.