These creative spirits are being dampened by long hours, burn out, or disillusionment with corporate systems.
A culture change is needed at corporations if they are to fully access this precious internal source of renewable energy.
As the world visibly slowed down to cope with the grip of the global pandemic, people who didn’t consider themselves part of the green agenda began to recognise the benefits of fresh air and smog-free cities. It’s a timely reminder for the discussions taking place later this year as the United Kingdom hosts the CoP 26 Climate Conference in November in Glasgow when the climate crisis will top both the political and boardroom agendas.
With our systems and infrastructure failing multiple facets of our societies, work to promote diversity and inclusion has never been more important.
A more assertive course of action to advance diversity and inclusion focuses on efforts by the Forum of Young Global Leaders to strategize, upskill and report.
We will re-examine our process for identifying and selecting YGLs to ensure it is one that helps inspire and open doors for new generations of leaders from diverse backgrounds.
When I was 14, I spent
Take your Daughter to Work Day doing home visits with my dad, a medical social worker
. At one crumbling low-rise in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, we walked up urine-soaked stairs and reached a third-floor apartment where plastic wrap covered windows in place of glass and rat faeces marked the floor. Rodrigo, the apartment’s occupant, was gracious and skeletal. Living without a functioning radiator on a blustery April day, he had full blown AIDS.
WTO chief calls for urgent vaccine boost in developing countries, US vaccinates over 93 million and South Korea prioritizes vaccines for auto chip buyers.
Whose responsibility is it to ensure that workers have affordable access to employment, if affordable is defined in terms of dignity, safety, finances and time?