Expect Bitter Cold Temperatures in Alabama
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The National Weather Service Birmingham noted on their Facebook page that, “while we will have a dry northwest wind that should help to dry the roads, there s usually a few that still have some standing water. So, there is at least some chance of patchy ice on roads tonight and Tuesday morning across Central Alabama. This is even more-so the case for areas that saw a coating of freezing rain and sleet northwest of Tuscaloosa and Birmingham.”
Here is a breakdown of the information you need county by county:
MDOT, county crews spreading salt on roadways, but warning drivers to stay home
LIVE REPORT: Cold creating dangerous road conditions By WLOX Staff | February 15, 2021 at 3:59 PM CST - Updated February 15 at 7:44 PM
SOUTH MISSISSIPPI (WLOX) - Once the rain moved out of South Mississippi Monday, Mississippi Department of Transportation crews and county road departments got to work spreading salt, brine and slag on coast roadways. That combination will lower the freezing point of water and increase traction, but crews are already seeing roads refreezing in some areas.
Pascagoula Police already announced the 14th Street Overpass would be closed Monday night, and other bridges could follow.
By Sally Adams
Feb 16, 2021
These continued low temperatures are hurting many of your Region 9 plants! Garden Expert Randy Lemmon says there s some loss coming to some neighborhood front yards. What is the least amount of a temperature that these tropical plants can take? I think we re going to lose probably 70% of the palms in the Greater Houston Area this year. He says to give your tropical plants a few weeks of wait and see before you start removing them.
Whether you covered your outdoor plants or not - they are taking a beating right now. Lemmon says here s what you do if you think there s any life left. We have to look at it and see just how oooo-gooey crispy brown and chewy it is and then we re going to cut it way back. Then wait a few weeks to see if any new growth appears.