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Feeding is a nesting bowl within feedism, a sexual subculture that fetishizes overeating and weight gain. Feeders want to feed their partners, and feedees want to be fed.
Just shy of our first anniversary, my boyfriend Drew told me he had a feeding fetish. He texted it, actually. He was visiting family in Florida, and I was alone in our apartment after a 12-hour workday. I had ordered takeout, inhaled it and was lying on the floor next to our bed ― anchored by pan-fried noodles and a colossal order of egg rolls.
I was complaining about how full I felt when Drew broke our usual dialogue.
Finishing cattle at grass in August last year. These heifers were receiving 3kg/d concentrates.
It is often said that there is as much variation within a breed as there is across breeds, and looking at the production data from the Thrive demonstration farm for the 2019-born stock this certainly holds true.
With all the 2019-born animals now slaughtered, we are able to look at some of the facts and figures from the group.
We must remember that this is a relatively small sample size and therefore we must be careful with any extrapolation of the data to a national scale.
Use strip wires when restricting grass intake to reduce the demand.
Over the last week, we began the second round of group meetings in our 2021 grassland management courses (online of course).
For the majority of attendees, the second rotation began in the first and second weeks of April.
Slow growth rates have seen some needing to supplement with concentrates and silage in order to stop the average farm cover (AFC) falling below 500kg to 600kg DM/ha.
Target having 100 units of nitrogen (N) per acre spread by 1 May.
Going with a compound fertiliser with phosphorous (P) and potassium (K) as required by soil sample results will help promote plant and root development.
The latest batch of cows and calves turned out to grass onTullamore Farm.
With over 80 cows and their calves and 200 ewes and lambs at grass at this stage, demand for grass is rapidly increasing on Tullamore Farm.
The past 10 days to two weeks has seen grass growth curtailed, initially due to wet weather and more recently due to low temperatures.
This leaves the average farm cover at a little over 500kg DM/ha at the moment.
While this is still acceptable, the worry is that grass demand is currently exceeding growth.
Burst of growth
If a burst of growth does not come over the weekend or early next week, Shaun will be forced to start meal feeding to cows to slow up the rotation.
Where do you think thousands of these UACs end up?
I think the Church is complicit in this human trafficking to make money to line their own pockets in the guise of doing good deeds . They get paid the Federal money and then dump their human cargo in our cities. They are rotten to the core.
Semi-trucks full of illegal aliens that are found on our freeways all across America.
They are all human trafficked.
If they do not end up dead in a mass grave in Mexico and Central America.they end up here sex trafficking, in gangs, or peddling drugs destroying our lives and our country.