How Museveni got sucked into fights for jobs, deals at Uganda Airlines
Sunday May 30 2021
President Museveni (in white)disembarks from one of Uganda Airlines CRJ900 Bombardiers at Entebbe International Airport in 2019. PHOTO/FILE
Sources say the airlines has been immersed in fights over jobs, money and multimillion procurement deals involving media and publicity services, jet fuel, uniforms and ticket sales
The Uganda Airlines revival process has been hit by turbulence forced by major fights involving top management and board of the national flag carrier and officials at the Ministry of Works and Transport.
The groups have clashed over jobs, money and multimillion procurement deals involving media and publicity services, jet fuel, uniforms and control of agencies outside Uganda to manage ticket sales for the corporation.
The sky is no limit for Uganda Airlines if it’s in good hands
Friday May 28 2021
The Uganda Airlines A330-800 neo taking off from Tolouse, France for Uganda in December 2020. PHOTO | COURTESY
It’s barely two years since Uganda Airlines was revived after 18 years, and it is already in the headlines for very old reasons.
Virtually all the airlines’ executive leadership was recently sent packing, and almost immediately after, its board of directors was also bundled out. The managers have been accused of corruption, and the board was entangled in a bizarre power struggle with government bureaucrats and the vultures feeding off the carrier on the side.
Road side vendor waits for buyers for his pineapples “When we took over power in 1986, there were some people who were confusing Ugandans with the tribal issue of Bantu and Nilotic division. Now you can see that the new team of leaders is working together”. “I have been working with our former enemies, the Uganda People’s Congress Party (UPC). I now work well with Jimmy Akena