Hace ya años que el día del Orgullo (oficialmente el 28 de junio), no se reduce a una única jornada, sino que se realizan actos reivindicativos durante todo el mes de junio. Y Vigo es una ciudad con un movimiento y una comunidad LGTBI muy fuerte. La peculiaridad en este sentido es que hay fundamentalmente dos colectivos: Pvlse y Nós Mesmas, que hacen actividades por separado. Es más, este año, mientras Pvlse ha aplazado su celebración oficial del Orgullo para el próximo mes de septiembre, que presentarán próximamente junto al Concello, Nós Mesmas sí que está llevando a cabo desde inicios de este mes actividades de todo tipo para reivindicar los derechos LGTBI.
best drag queens not on drag race
New York magazine named Del Rio number one of the top 100 Most Powerful Drag Queens in … Fans of that show, while modest in size, are legit crazy for it. Friday’s episode of RuPaul’s Drag Race dethroned yet another hopeful queen, paving the way for a sickening season finale… in a few weeks. Though the show, like every reality TV series, has much controversy surrounding it, there is no… Season 4 established her as the biggest bitch in the Drag Race bunch, as she ripped Sharon to shreds, accused Willam of having no talent, and sabotaged her friend Jiggly. Better make some room in the Drag Race Hall of Fame because these queens are back, back, back, back again. It s week two on RuPaul s Drag Race season eight, and I m feeling real nostalgic. Drag is actually anything but new, having been a tool of expression, resistance, and even survival for queer people for hundreds of years. Start your engines Drag Race fans and get ready to say “g’d