Maraya has been out collecting funds with her grandma to raise money for this year s TeleMiracle. As of Sunday she has collected $1,570, and on air, she challenged Weyburn businesses to meet or beat this donation. TeleMiracle means a lot to Maraya, as her aunt Danette (predeceased) passed away from spina bifida on Jan. 7, 1989. Danette used funds from TeleMiracle in her day for new wheelchairs or money for transportation to get to appointments. Maraya went up to Regina last month to prerecord her son as they are not doing a live show due to COVID. Maraya will also be doing a zoom call to present her cheque just before she performs on Sunday.
The wolves are literally at the door in Port Hope Simpson
One dog sledder says brazen wolves have come right up to his home to steal seal meat this winter, while the Department of Fisheries, Forest, and Agriculture is encouraging residents to keep pets indoors as much as possible.
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Stop Saying That Bullying Is Normal in School
School boards have done a great job of keeping kids safer at school, and we should be celebrating that.
I am constantly amazed these days when I hear people complaining about Pink Shirt Day. They say things like, “Kids need to learn to stick up for themselves and stop being such little pussies.”
I suspect that the people shameless enough to call children “pussies” are probably also former school bullies themselves.
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More than seven years ago, I had a young woman and her dad on my morning show where she talked about the terrible cyberbullying she had been through. Then, Taylor Sutherland was a Grade 9 student at Winston Churchill High School. Her dad Todd has stayed in touch with me over the years and this past Wednesday, for Pink Shirt Day, I called him up to see if she might be willing to come on the radio for an update and to chat again about bullying. She agreed and it was another wonderful moment in my broadcasting career that began almost 40 years ago. Her story choked me up then and again the other day. Taylor is now in her early 20s and after graduating as a veterinary office assistant from college, she took a job in Beausejour where she lives with her boyfriend. She sounds happy now and I believe her experiences in high school, as horrible as they were, probably made her stronger. Thatâs the way it was for me too. But for so many young people, who get bullied, it go
Pink Shirt Day is Feb. 24 across Canada as people wear pink in support of anti-bullying.In Melfort, Brunswick School is using the term "Be Someone's H.