Next Year in Jerusalem!
In December of 2020,
The Washington Post asked its readers to sum up the year in just one word. In analyzing the more than 2,000 responses they received, they found that the top three answers given by their participants, from top to bottom respectively, were: “exhausting,” “lost,” and “chaotic.” I am sure many of us can think of events in the previous year where one or all of these would rightfully apply.
If it s politics, it is no secret that the political airspace in 2020 had concerning turbulence. If it s the social playground, that too was plagued with racial landmines, to which many lost their lives. Our collective health was and continues to be terrorized by an enemy that no military defense budget can deter from destroying our communities. And finally, the religious community had to rearticulate its essence after many of its beloved traditions had to be put on hold.