Apr 27, 2021
MAYFIELD The Mayfield United Methodist Church’s Thrift Shop, 19 N. Main St., will have extended hours during the villagewide garage sale from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. May 8, according to a news release.
The church has many summer and clearance items that will be on display and also will be having a cookie sale. The church phone number is (518) 661-6114.
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Apr 27, 2021
BROADALBIN The Broadalbin-Kennyetto Fire Station, 14 Pine St., will have a benefit car wash from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday to assist Scot Hall, current fire chief and sales representative for Garrison Fire Equipment and former firefighter with GE Fire Department. It benefit will be $10 donation, according to a news release.
Hall is unable to work due to an ulcerative colitis and has been in and out of the hospital over the last few months. There is now a fix, which requires eight infusions over the next couple of months at a local cancer center. The infusion drug, called Remicade, comes with out-of-pocket expenses that aren’t covered by insurance. He is the sole provider, both financially and personally, to his mother.
Apr 21, 2021
JOHNSTOWN The Greater Johnstown School District Board of Education will conduct its monthly business meeting at 6 p.m. Thursday in the Knox Building auditorium. The members of the public can attend this meeting in person. Masks are required and social distancing protocols must be observed, according to a news release.
The public can also live stream this meeting by visiting the following link:
Or Telephone: US: +1 646 558 8656.
Webinar ID: 920 0855 2438.
Passcode: 8723631.
Apr 21, 2021
JOHNSTOWN The Fulton County Sheriff’s Office will participate in the National Prescription Take Back Day, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Justice Drug Enforcement Administration. The Prescription Take Back Day will be from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday at the Fulton County Sheriff’s Office, 2712 Route 29, according to a news release.
The Fulton County residents can turn in any expired or unused prescription medications.
The following items will not be accepted.
â« Liquids.
â« Illegal drugs.
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Apr 21, 2021
GLOVERSVILLE The Bleecker Street Church of Christ, 46 Spring St., will have a church benefit dinner for $7 from 3 to 6 p.m. Friday for take out only with curbside service pick up on a first come, first serve basis, according to a news release.
The menu will consist of barbecue chicken, baked potato, vegetables, dessert, beverage of soda or water.
Call in order at (518) 725-0542; call or text at (518) 448-2682 or just drive up and place order at curb.
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