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Golf not priority
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Not every child has a laptop, let alone an outdoor space overlooking a river. Take a look around.
You say you play the public courses and not the elite courses. For many families, just finding a place to live and getting a meal is an issue. Golf would be an unheard of luxury.
And, frankly, if you think at the age of 70 you are living on borrowed time, you need to think again.
Borders should have been closed A total international lockdown on travel into Canada should have been implemented by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to stop the…
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Thanks, no thanks
Thank you to the City of London for cleaning up Highbury Avenue. What a wonderful difference. This shows the city is listening to its citizens. It is too bad some people are the cause of that mess and don’t know where to throw their garbage!
Gail Allan-Robinson, London
Women, not girls
I won’t bother responding to the outdated, ridiculous notion that women somehow are taking jobs away from men. However, his referring to employees at CTV London as “the weather girl” and the “weekend girl” does need addressing.
These individuals are grown women, not girls. In the same letter you mentioned “young males” rather than “boys.” Is that gender equality?
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Woodpecker should be on city short list
What a great idea to choose an official bird for London, Londoners asked to pick city’s official bird (May 13) But given that this is the Forest City, I’m surprised to see no woodpeckers on the short list.
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Red-bellies, flickers, the hairy and downy all live here. They make their homes in tree trunks and find their insect meals on trees. They are happy visitors at feeders, especially in the winter.
Ron Earnshaw, London
Closing golf course a lost opportunity
Once again our city council lost out on a chance to generate revenue and lower our city taxes.
If they had kept River Road golf course open, they could have made money by fining golfers who decided to “break the law” and play a round just like they did to those morons last week who hopped the fence to play at Fanshawe. Oh wait a minute, they did not do that but let local TV carry the disgraceful performance of idiots who make the rest of us golfers look bad.
Michael Lander, London