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Escaped teenagers still missing

Escaped teenagers still missing Two of five boys who es­caped the cus­tody of the Chil­dren’s Au­thor­i­ty last month re­main miss­ing up to yes­ter­day. Head of the Child Pro­tec­tion Unit, Supt Claire Guy-Al­leyne, re­newed the call to the pub­lic to as­sist in find­ing the boys. Guy-Al­leyne said the teenagers’ safe­ty was at risk as they are un­su­per­vised while hid­ing from the au­thor­i­ty and the po­lice. On March 19, Semi­on Daniel, 15, An­to­nio Fran­cois, 16, Stephan Nicholas, 16, Re­car­do Thomp­son, 15 and Stephen An­toine, 15, es­caped the Child Sup­port Cen­tre. CCTV footage showed that the boys fled the build­ing by pass­ing through bur­glar-proofed bars. Last week, the court gave the au­thor­i­ty per­mis­sion to re­lease the names and pho­tographs of the five boys to aid in find­ing them.

PM warns of 2nd lockdown if public doesn t cooperate

The Trinidad and Tobago Guardian is the longest running daily newspaper in the country, marking its centenary in 2017. The paper started life as the Trinidad Guardian on Sunday 2nd September 1917 by the newly formed Trinidad Publishing Company Limited.

Gardener loses conviction appeal for sex crime against girl

Gardener loses conviction appeal for sex crime against girl by Derek Achong A 59-year-old gar­den­er of Pe­nal, serv­ing a 14-year prison sen­tence for com­mit­ting sex­u­al acts on a 10-year-old girl on four oc­ca­sions over a decade ago, has lost his ap­peal against his con­vic­tion.  De­liv­er­ing a 28-page judg­ment dur­ing a vir­tu­al hear­ing, yes­ter­day, Ap­pel­late Judges Al­ice Yorke-Soo Hon, Maria Wil­son, and Mal­colm Holdip dis­missed all three grounds of ap­peal raised by at­tor­neys for Kishore Lutch­man, of Pe­nal Rock Road, Pe­nal. 

Lifeguards warn of a lack of protection over Easter weekend

The Trinidad and Tobago Guardian is the longest running daily newspaper in the country, marking its centenary in 2017. The paper started life as the Trinidad Guardian on Sunday 2nd September 1917 by the newly formed Trinidad Publishing Company Limited.

Lotto operators threaten shutdown over increased weekly fee

Lotto operators threaten shutdown over increased weekly fee by 20210401 A man awaits his turn to go into a Lotto both on Queen Janelle Commissiong Street, Port-of-Spain, yesterday. NICOLE DRAYTON shar­lene.ram­per­sad   Lot­to booth op­er­a­tors are threat­en­ing to shut­down their ma­chines on Mon­day and Tues­day if the Na­tion­al Lot­ter­ies Con­trol Board does not re­scind a de­ci­sion to in­crease their week­ly fee from $15 to $100. Head of a com­mit­tee ad­vo­cat­ing for the op­er­a­tors, Dean Per­sad told Guardian Me­dia yes­ter­day the board has no jus­ti­fi­ca­tion for the in­crease.

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