Members of the New Braunfels Economic Development Corporation Board of Directors on Thursday took a step toward making the South Castell Avenue Visioning Plan a reality, approving an expenditure of
Promoted by BigHand Law firm leaders need to revisit the familiar trio of People, Process and Technology to future-proof profitability. Despite the huge pressures placed on law firms in the last 18
WealthO2 has announced a new program with a stocking and advice firm. The wealth management software provider s will oversee a structured pilot program with Ord Minnett s most senior advisers who use
Teadlaste katsed uurimisrühmadega on näidanud, et ülekaalulised inimesed ja dieedisõltlased kasutavad söömist emotsionaalse rahulolematuse vaigistamiseks. Nende hulgas esineb sagedamini depressiooni ja neil on harjumus reageerida ärevusele ülesöömisega. Ka on kindlaks tehtud, et naistel on meestest suurem kalduvus stressisöömisele.