Writer s Digest March/April 2021 Issue Reveal
The March/April 2021 issue of Writer s Digest is showing up in mailboxes and will soon be available at retailers. Get a sneak peek of the new columns we re introducing with the expanded page count!
Mar 6, 2021
Writer’s Digest gets bigger, better, and more personal in the March/April 2021 issue! We’re unveiling our new expanded look (92 pages!) and a collection of new columns aimed to ensure writers of all levels and genres learn something to help them with their craft. In this issue, our features span intimate topics from how to make the most of your writing habits to writing about your own life with no judgment to advice for writing the most personal of all fictional scenes: the sex scene. This issue includes:
Learn more about 40 Plot Twist Prompts for Writers: Writing Ideas for Bending Stories in New Directions, by Writer s Digest Senior Editor Robert Lee Brewer. Discover fun and interesting ways to move your stories from beginning to end.
The Story That Drove Me to Write
Award-winning author Stephanie Kane shares the book that launched her career and provides insights for how you can pursue your story.
Mar 4, 2021
Each of us has a story the one that’s ours, the version we alone can tell.
My story launched and has bookended my writing career. For nearly thirty years I sat on it. When I finally did write it, it was a highly fictionalized version, a mystery wrapped in a mystery and penned under a pseudonym. But just as I’d played an unwitting role in the crime on which my story was based, the mere telling of it unwittingly blasted that case wide open. Then a whole new chapter began.
28 Writing Prompts for the 2021 Flash Fiction Challenge
Find all 28 flash fiction writing prompts for the 2021 February Flash Fiction Challenge Challenge in this post.
Mar 3, 2021
Find all 28 poetry prompts for the 2021 February Flash Fiction Challenge below. I will link each day back to the original post with a super concise prompt. Just click the link if you need more guidance or ideas on how to come at the prompt.
Happy writing!
Day 1: Write a story with no dialogue
Day 2: Take something usual and have it do something unusual
Day 3: Write a story that incorporates the color red
Day 4: Select a kitchen item; write from its perspective