A recap of the major stories of the Jamestown area not related to the coronavirus pandemic. Written By: Keith Norman | ×
The reconstruction of the football field and outdoor track has started this fall on the University of Jamestown campus. John M. Steiner / The Sun
While the coronavirus pandemic held most of the area s attention for the past 12 months, there were other milestone events occurring in Jamestown and the surrounding area. Here are some of the other top stories of the year:
Economic development
The announcement of one project and the continuation of plans for another kept much of the region s economic development focus on the Spiritwood Energy Park Association industrial park through 2020.
Jack, Sam, and Ryan Schauer make a donation to the Meidinger Splash Park. Photo: Two Rivers Activity Center
JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – A small donation from a young Jamestown boy has sparked a large outpouring of support from other children and the community.
Liam, a 4 year-old in the OnTRAC Learning Center, made a small donation form his personal piggy bank to support the fundraising efforts for the Two Rivers Activity Center (TRAC) Splash Park.
TRAC Facilities Manager Amy Walters says young Liam’s donation has now sparked the “Splash Makers Club”.
Walters added that any youth that donates will become a Splash Maker and will receive a t-shirt showing their support, and a small surprise when they make their donation.
Several boards have scheduled meetings Monday. 7:00 am, Dec. 14, 2020 ×
The Calendar publishes public events, meetings and fundraisers in The Jamestown Sun free. To submit an activity, email it to news@jamestownsun.com with “Calendar” in the subject line or fax to 701-952-8477.
Monday, Dec. 14
Jamestown/Stutsman Development Corp. Board of Directors, 11:45 a.m., through Zoom, https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89878250105, meeting ID: 898 7825 0105, call-in number, 1-312-626-6799, meeting ID: 898 7825 0105.
James River Valley Library System Board of Directors, 3:30 p.m., via Zoom; call 252-2990 for Zoom invite.
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Jamestown Parks and Recreation Commission, 4 p.m., multipurpose room, Two Rivers Activity Center, 1501 5th St. NE.
Meetings are scheduled Monday. ×
The Calendar publishes public events, meetings and fundraisers in The Jamestown Sun free. To submit an activity, email it to news@jamestownsun.com with “Calendar” in the subject line or fax to 701-952-8477.
Monday, Dec. 14
Jamestown/Stutsman Development Corp. Board of Directors, 11:45 a.m., through Zoom, https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89878250105, meeting ID: 898 7825 0105, call-in number, 1-312-626-6799, meeting ID: 898 7825 0105.
James River Valley Library System Board of Directors, 3:30 p.m., via Zoom; call 252-2990 for Zoom invite.
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Jamestown Parks and Recreation Commission, 4 p.m., multipurpose room, Two Rivers Activity Center, 1501 5th St. NE.