By: Sidney Skinner
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A Kepayan home owner will be asked to remove the zinc extensions he/she made to their house.
A KEPAYAN rate-payer will be instructed to remove the “illegal” modifications made to his/ her home as these extensions have encroached into the backyard drain reserve.
A spokeswoman for City Hall’s Building Control Department (BCD) said a check revealed that part of the house was occupying government land.
On top of this, no written permission had been given for the changes made to the building, according to her.
“This is a contravention of our Building Bylaws and action can be taken under this ordinance,” she said.
Published on: Tuesday, January 26, 2021
By: Sidney Skinner
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City Hall workers clearing the overgrown greenery along this Kepayan drain reserve.
CITY Hall has dealt with the backyard drains in a Kepayan neighbourhood to ensure that water does not continue to stagnate inside.
Action was also taken to rid the area of any mosquitoes which might have been breeding in these structures.
A spokesman for the City Hall’s Landscaping Department said an inspection was carried out of the public areas, in front and at the back of homes, along Lorong Rampai.
“This was done in the first week of January, shortly after we became aware of the nuisance posed by the foul smell coming from some of these structures,” he said.
CITY HALL is trying to ensure that there is no breakdown in its drain-clearing and grass-cutting services during the Movement Control Order (MCO) but rate-payers might find that it takes a little longer for this to be done
CITY HALL is trying to ensure that there is no breakdown in its drain-clearing and grass-cutting services during the Movement Control Order (MCO) but rate-payers might find that it takes a little longer for this to be done
City Hall plans to upgrade the drains along several housing roads in Taman Richdar, Manggatal, in the hope of preventing water from stagnating inside these structures