Kiran Kumar, the superintendent of police (SP) in Khowai district, said a suo moto complaint was filed on Tuesday against the TMC leaders, who had "misbehaved" with officers on duty on August 8. "We booked them on August 10 under Section 186 (obstruction of public servants in the discharge of his public function) and 36 (common intention) of the IPC. The FIR pertains to entry into the Khowai police station. They will be summoned," the SP stated.
El Banco de España ha señalado que el 70% del alza de los precios mayoristas de la electricidad en el primer semestre del año se debe al encarecimiento de los derechos de emisión de CO2 y de los precios del gas.
The CCTV cameras at most suburban stations of WR were recently replaced with advanced cameras. These cameras are not only able to recognise the face of a repeat offender but can also alert the railway officials in cases of overcrowding at platforms and foot over bridges.