Various Artists
Compositor Confundido - Ibrahim Ferrer
El Adios De Este Momento - Septeto Nacional De Ignacio Pinero
Campina - Afro-Cuban Jazz Project
Mecanica De Amor - Mi Son
Mami Me Gusto - Todos Estrellas
Boliviana - Irakere
Patria Querida - Los Guaracheros De Oriente
The music of Cuba developed from a unique set of historical and social circumstances. African slaves, brought to work on the Spanish sugar plantations, soon outnumbered the European colonists. The attitude of the Spanish p.
more »olitical and religious institutions towards African culture, while undeniably oppressive, was more open than in some other colonial societies. Catholic priests did their best to convert the Africans to Christianity, but they overlooked their worship of African deities as long as they gave them Christian names. In fact, santeria, a religion that combines Catholicism with African deities and rituals, is still a key part of Cuban spiritual life.