Printing Impressions, and
In-plant Impressions, has announced that Canon Solutions America, HP, Ricoh, and SCREEN Americas have signed sponsorship agreements for its ninth annual event. The event is scheduled to take place at the Hyatt Lost Pines in Austin, Texas, on July 26-28, 2021, with all health and safety requirements in place as deemed necessary in conjunction with the event venue. More details about the Inkjet Summit can be found at:
The Inkjet Summit is designed to give senior managers and print executives strategic-level insights into what they must do to grow, improve, and optimize their businesses. The event will feature keynote presentations from thought leaders in the industry, panel discussions featuring businesses that have successfully adopted production inkjet, interactive case studies highlighting innovative applications and implementations in the field, and in-depth 1:1 meetings with attendees, technology solution providers, and advisory board mem
The Week That Was (12/14/2020)
NAPCO Media will be closed from Dec. 24 to Jan. 4. Happy Holidays!
In these unprecedented and uncertain times, PRINTING United Alliance, PIA Affiliates, and NAPCO Media are committed to providing the printing and visual communications industries with the most up-to-date resources on the ongoing COVID-19 situation. The staff is here to help you as we all weather this storm together.
Ninth Annual Inkjet Summit Is Announced
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Inkjet Summit 2021, produced annually by NAPCO Media, Printing Impressions, and In-plant Impressions, has announced dates for its ninth annual event. With all local, state, and venue health and safety measures being adhered to, the event is scheduled to take place at the Hyatt Lost Pines in Austin, Texas, July 26-28, 2021. More details about the Inkjet Summit can be found here.
Exclusive Event for Senior-level Industry Leaders
The Inkjet Summit is an invitation-only, hosted event specifically designed for senior-level managers and business executives at printing companies and corporate enterprises who are looking to develop strategies, understand their options, and make major investment decisions around production inkjet digital printing technology.