7 students
Currently Sweetwater School District No. 1 has 10 employees out for COVID-related reasons.
Here are some additional measures we’ve taken to keep schools as safe as possible through the use of grant funds:
We have improved air quality by following ASHRAE and CDC guidelines.
Ionizers were installed in all schools and building air handler units (AHUs). Ionizers positively charge particles in the air. These particles surround the protein spikes on the COVID-19 virus rendering them ineffective. This process increases the size of the virus so it can be picked up by the higher efficiency filters, which makes it effective in removing dust, pollen, bacteria, germs and viruses.
Westridge Elementary: 1 staff member and 1 student
Head Start: 1 staff member and 1 student
Northpark Elementary: 1 staff member
Transportation: 1 staff member
Eastside Elementary: 1 staff member and 2 students
Desert View Elementary: 1 student
Rock Springs High School: 5 students
Stagecoach Elementary: 1 student
Pilot Butte Elementary: 3 students
Sage Elementary: 1 student
Currently SCSD No. 1 has 30 total staff members throughout the District who are out for various COVID related reasons from this past week. This includes staff getting quarantined, having to stay home due to daycares shutting down, currently being tested, or testing positive. This has continued to decrease over the past three weeks.
Sweetwater School District Number One Nurses continue to work closely with Public Health and are the designee in sending out quarantine papers and information to District staff and students who are considered close contacts. A close contact can occur due to a student or sta