Eduardo Vasconcellos
May 05, 2021
DDoS cyberattacks can happen anytime and devastate any business, but by understanding how they occur and how to prevent them, you can continue to surf the web safely.
A distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack is a type of cyberattack that hackers often use to breach a network and overload it with unwanted traffic to disrupt services. Once the system is strained to its limit, it no longer accepts legitimate traffic, and services start to fail.
Think of a DDoS attack as a crowd blocking the way into your favorite coffee shop: It s tough for you to get in, and it makes it difficult for that business to distinguish a real customer from the rest of the crowd. Because of that confusion, it s tough for businesses that are targeted by a DDoS attack to serve their customers and distinguish who s real and who s not.
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Network intrusion detection software can also be used to monitor for specific malicious activity.
The attack starts with DLL (Dynamic Link Library) hijacking. It involves using a legitimate application to preload a malicious DLL file. Attackers commonly abuse the Windows DLL Search Order and take advantage of this to load a malicious DLL file instead of the legitimate one, the report notes.
Usually, DLL files load through a Windows service called
rundll32.exe. In the case of Pingback, a malicious DLL file called
oci.dll (Pingback) was somehow indirectly loaded through a legitimate service called
msdtc (Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator). This service coordinates transactions that span multiple machines, such as databases, message queues, and file systems.
Communications service providers: Don t let IPv4 exhaustion stop your growth
As rural broadband initiatives help bridge the digital divide, communications service providers have a wealth of opportunities to add subscribers, expand territory, and grow their business. However, they will first need to address the challenges posed by IPv4 exhaustion and its impact on the cost of new subscriber IP addresses.
Since November 2019, when the final allocation of publicly available IPv4 addresses was made, new IPv4 addresses have been obtainable only at high open market prices. There is a virtually unlimited stock of IPv6 addresses available, but migration to the new standard is a highly complex prospect and impractical in the short term for many communications service providers. They need a more feasible and affordable way to support new subscribers.
Source: Windows Central
Windows 10 makes it easy to connect to a network and the internet using a wired or wireless connection. However, sometimes, you may still need to manage settings manually or troubleshoot connectivity problems, and this is when the many built-in command-line tools can come in handy.
Regardless of the issue, Windows 10 is likely to have a Command Prompt tool that can help you resolve the most common problems. For instance,
ipconfig and
ping are among the most basic tools to view network settings and troubleshoot connectivity issues. If you are dealing with a routing problem, the
route command can display the current routing table to examine and determine related issues, and with the