Department of Natural Resources report for the week of Feb. 1, 2021. Written By: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources | 8:00 am, Feb. 2, 2021 ×
District 5 Eveleth area
Conservation Officer Darrin Kittelson (International Falls 1) reports snowmobile trails are getting better with each snowfall. Ice fishing on area lakes remains slow, but people still are finding it better than sitting at home.
The last fur registration took place with few trappers registering bobcats and otters. It appears more bobcats were registered this year than other years.
CO Curtis Simonson (International Falls 2) reports spending time checking anglers on Rainy Lake and the Rainy River. Anglers reported fishing being very slow.
Department of Natural Resources report for the week of Jan. 25, 2021. Written By: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources | 2:23 pm, Jan. 25, 2021 ×
District 5 Eveleth area
Conservation Officer Darrin Kittelson (International Falls 1) continues to report the main emphasis of the workload is ice fishing and snowmobiling activities. The trails are getting better with the recent snowfall, but it doesn’t take them long to wash out with a little bit of traffic. Ice fishing and spearing on the area lakes is slow, which is typical of January.
Enforcement action for the past week included illegal snowmobile exhaust and registration issues. Snowmobile riders should remove the aftermarket exhaust (“cans”), as these could and will lead to closure of trails. In addition, enforcement action will be taken.
Department of Natural Resources report for the week of Dec. 28, 2020. Written By: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources | 1:41 pm, Dec. 28, 2020 ×
District 5 Eveleth area
Conservation Officer Darrin Kittelson (International Falls 1) reports the pine marten- and fisher-trapping season came to a quiet close with fewer trappers observed out in the woods compared with previous years. Injured-animal complaints were also handled throughout the week. People are reminded with the new snowfall to use caution when snowmobiling as accidents have already been reported.
CO Curtis Simonson (International Falls 2) reports anglers are having some success in the area. Simonson would like to remind people to think twice before driving vehicles onto the ice. It is still early in the ice-making season.
Department of Natural Resources report for the week of Dec. 14, 2020. Written By: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources | 3:02 pm, Dec. 17, 2020 ×
District 5 Eveleth area
Conservation Officer Don Bozovsky (Hibbing) worked anglers and muzzleloader deer hunters, and followed up on a firearms deer season case.
Drug evidence was sent to the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension lab from a second-degree possession and sales of a controlled substance case, which originated from a spruce top theft case.
Enforcement action was taken for failure to register deer.
CO Shane Zavodnik (Cook) investigated a number of trespass complaints over the past week. Panfish and walleye fishing remains steady, and quality ice is being formed due to lack snow cover. Zavodnik continues to complete paperwork from this year’s deer-hunting season. He wants to remind snowmobilers to take a look at their registration on their sleds and make sure it’s not expired. The seaso