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Even as local regulatory, compliance and employment rules
evolve, the United States of America remains very attractive for
companies looking to invest and operate locally.
The US is a reliable and consistent economy with a long-standing
history of growth. The country represents a quarter of all global
economic activity, and FocusEconomics forecasts its nominal GDP
to reach USD 25.3 trillion in 2024. For companies looking to invest
and operate in the US, there are number of key factors to
understand and consider.
1. Starting a business
The US ranks 55th in the world for ease of starting a business
After nearly four months of work, the FCC s Emergency
Broadband Benefit Program (EBBP) is poised to launch. Nearly 750
providers are qualified to offer EBB-supported services, with
discounts of up to $50 per subscriber ($75 in tribal areas) and
equipment reimbursement of up to $100 available. The FCC recently
conducted a webinar for consumer groups and outreach partners about
the program, and USAC has been testing connectivity with eligible
providers for the past couple of weeks. Earlier today, the FCC
announced that the EBBP will launch on Wednesday, May 12,
2021. Providers participating in the EBBP can begin enrolling
eligible households into the program to receive supported
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The Agriculture Improvement Act of
2018 ( Farm Bill ) became law more than two
years ago, decriminalizing hemp and its derivatives and opening the
door for American farmers, manufacturers and retailers to create
and explore new commercial markets for the crop and its
Since then, the market for cannabinoids has exploded, including
cannabidiol or CBD products. Other sectors of the
industry are also seeing a new wave of growth and development
within their ranks, including new market opportunities and
commercial traction for food, fiber, and industrial uses of the
MSMEs seek easing of NPA, compliance rules
Last Updated: Apr 28, 2021, 11:26 AM IST
The Federation of Indian Small and Medium Enterprises (FISME) also pitched for creation of a “war-room” to monitor prices of key raw materials used by the sector, claiming that suppliers are increasing prices in the wake of the pandemic and rationalisation of import duties.
Small Indian businesses have sought relaxation in compliances and norms governing classification of non-performance assets (NPAs).
The Federation of Indian Small and Medium Enterprises (FISME) also pitched for creation of a “war-room” to monitor prices of key raw materials used by the sector, claiming that suppliers are increasing prices in the wake of the pandemic and rationalisation of import duties.
We devote a substantial part of our practice these days to helping clients conduct due diligence to assess other businesses that they think they might acquire.