TAE-HO is a sweeper-up of other people’s orbital junk, a mudlark in space scavenging anything of value. In Jo Sung-hee’s new movie
Space Sweepers, he is someone who is most alone in a crowd – that is to say, among his crewmates on the spaceship Victory. They are a predictable assortment: a feisty robot with detachable feet; a heavily armed yet disarmingly gamine captain; a gnarly but lovable engineer with a past.
Tae-ho is played by Song Joong-ki, who also starred in Jo’s romantic smash hit
A Werewolf Boy (2012). Song is the latest in a long line of South Korean actors whose utter commitment and lack of ego can bring the sketchiest script to life (think Choi Min-sik in revenge tragedy
Feb 24, 2021 06:38 AM EST Space Sweepers just recently aired on Netflix, and a lot of viewers were impressed by the Sci-Fi film. Rumors are now circulating that Song Joong Ki and Kim Tae Ri will return for the film s sequel!
Here s a Rundown for Space Sweepers + Song Joong Ki and Kim Tae Ri s Characters Space Sweepers is a fictional film that stars famous actors, namely Song Joong Ki, Kim Tae Ri, Jin Seon Kyu, and Yoo Hae Jin. The film is set in the future year 2092, where Earth is no longer habitable and is close to becoming extinct. A large technological company called UTS builds a new home in outer space where only selected people can live in. The human race was divided into two groups, the UTS citizens and the non-citizens who cannot enter the new home in outer space.
Last Updated:
23rd February, 2021 16:24 IST
Lee Isaac Chung s Minari Up For Foreign-language Film Gong At Golden Globes; All About It
Lee Isaac Chung s directorial Minari was limited to the foreign-language film category at Golden Globes despite its theme resonates with the American Dream.
American director Lee Isaac Chung of Korean descent spoke with the Associated Press on his latest directorial
Minari. This film is set in the rural parts of Arkansas in the 80s. It is a family drama about a Korean immigrant family who migrated from Korea to Arkansas, America in search of their American dream. It s a semi-autobiographical take on the director s Chung upbringing. The film is about the difficulties faced by a Korean-migrant family trying to farm a plot of land. The title
Yeo Jin-goo should be appearing on the same night in the similarly serious Beyond Evil is both ironic and appropriate, even if director Kim Hee-won-III is not strictly speaking in competition with her former leading man. Times is the only project of the four to come from OCN, the network that s branded its dramas around these kinds of cinematically styled thrillers. It s also the least aggressively marketed project, the first full series from director
Yoon Jong-ho since his successful tryout with Times is focused more on concept with the other two, its main selling point centering around two time displaced reporters racing to save presidential figures.