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Common Celebrates Black Vinyl, in All Its Forms, as Record Store Day Puts a Spotlight on Black-Owned Music Shops
Common Celebrates Black Vinyl, in All Its Forms, as Record Store Day Puts a Spotlight on Black-Owned Music Shops
RSD has a website showcasing 30 Black-owned record retailers for Black History Month, with a very vinyl-conscious hip-hop star helping lead the awareness charge.
Chris Willman, provided by
Please provide the link to register for Covid Vaccinations at. - Cumming, GA - Please provide the link to register for Covid Vaccinations at First Redeemer Church (Northside Hospital / Forsyth County Public Health).
Small businesses here in Cumming have been hit hard by the.
Small businesses here in Cumming have been hit hard by the economic impact of the pandemic. Are you trying to shop at more small local businesses this season to help support them in these tough times? If so, where is your favorite place?
Thank (2)
Jim Massara, when you say: At the same time, Georgia becomes one of only four states that require submitting a driver s license or other ID number to vote. You know this is a blatant falsehood and I m aghast that you would try to make readers believe this is the case. You know that only 15 states do not require any form of ID to vote, thereby leaving 35 that have ID requirements, some are a photo ID, some are other forms of ID.