The Musical Years: 1920–2020, exhibition view, VOX, centre de l’image contemporaine, Montréal, 2020. Photo : Michel Brunelle
The Musical Years: 1920–2020, exhibition view, VOX, centre de l’image contemporaine, Montréal, 2020. Photo : Michel Brunelle
Michaela Grill & Sophie Trudeau, les marges du silence / ghosts along the way, installation view, VOX, centre de l’image contemporaine, Montréal, 2020. Photo : Michel Brunelle
[En anglais] VOX, centre de l’image contemporaine Curated by Marie J. Jean August 18 October 31, 2020
At a moment when going to the movies is difficult or altogether impossible,
The Musical Years: 1920 – 2020 at VOX, centre de l’image contemporaine in Montréal offers a unique glimpse into the art of experimental filmmaking. With their perpetual flickering of light and colour, the gallery’s exhibition spaces emulate a movie theatre dedicated to exploring the relationship between image and sound. When the terms “musical