Business analytics is the practical application of statistical analysis and technologies on business data to identify trends and predict business outcomes.
How to deploy 802.1x for Wi-Fi using WPA3-Enterprise
Wi-Fi Protected Access 3 can provide authentication with enhanced security.
Wi-Fi Protected Access 3 (WPA3) has brought significant security improvements to Wi-Fi networks, particularly WPA-3Enterprise, which includes tweaks to make authenticating to the network more secure. One of these is has to do with 802.1x authentication that is used to determine whether Wi-Fi clients will be granted access to the enterprise network.
The enterprise mode of WPA has always allowed you to give each user a unique username/password to login to the Wi-Fi or to utilize unique digital certificates for each user to install on devices for even more security. Now with WPA3-Enterprise, the security is increased as clients are now required to make sure it’s communicating with the real authentication server before sending login credentials. That verification was optional with the earlier two versions of WPA.
How IT must adapt to the emerging hybrid workplace
How IT must adapt to the emerging hybrid workplace
User support, the relationship with HR, and front-office technologies will require a rethink as distributed digital work becomes the new reality. Credit: Dreamstime
In early 2020, tens of millions of people worldwide were suddenly thrust into remote work as the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns came into force. IT and users alike adapted quickly, and companies were able to keep doing business relatively easily given the scope of the change. What’s more, employee productivity actually went up and stayed that way even after the initial adrenaline surge wore off across the globe, from Australia to the US.
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Human 2: Bold leadership through crisis and change
Georgie Dent
Date: 3rd February 2021
On February 3rd, Talent, in partnership with Yahoo Finance, will be hosting an insightful event with three of Australia’s top business leaders for an in-depth conversation reflecting on their leadership lessons, biggest challenges and above all, how to be an empathetic leader in times of crisis.
The panel includes Talent CEO Mark Nielsen, David Gonski AC, and Salesforce ANZ CEO Pip Marlow.
This is in conjunction with the launch of Talent’s book Human 2: Bold leadership through crisis and change with the event moderated by journalist, editor and author Georgie Dent.