The Federal Australian Dental Association (ADA) has congratulated the AMA in calling for an immediate tax on sugar as one of its pillars to improve the.
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Nation’s dentists urge PM to include dentistry in aged care boost
Without the inclusion of dental care in this week’s round of funding to the aged care sector, the Australian Dental Association (ADA) says the care for the nation’s growing seniors population will be drastically incomplete.
Incoming ADA President Dr Mark Hutton says that while the Prime Minister’s $1 billion injection into the aged care system announced this week is welcome, without including access to dental care it’s not going to provide the necessary care to ensure senior’s oral health is addressed.
“While $850 million of this funding will fund 10,000 extra home care packages, these packages must include access to regular assessments and treatments to dental carewhile people are still living in their own home,” said Dr Hutton (pictured), a South Australian dentist.