You might be able to understand the fear that struck Tammie Stanley s heart last week when you hear the story she told me.
Tammie was on the job as a guidance counselor at a Roanoke middle school March 23 when she got an unexpected phone call from LewisGale Medical Center. That s when she first learned her 84-year-old mom, Sherry Stanley, was at the emergency room.
Turned out, Sherry had taken a fall in the driveway of the Cave Spring home the two women share. Sherry was OK, a woman named Ashley from the Emergency Department told Tammie. The hospital treated an ugly contusion on Sherry s forehead, and she was ready for discharge.
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Artists Chosen for Design Project
First Nations arts practitioners Frances Belle Parker, Uncle Joe Walker and Deborah Taylor have been selected as the artists that will collaboratively create a design for Clarence Valley Council that reflects the rich Yaegl, Bundjalung and Gumbaynggirr cultural heritage of the Clarence. Frances Belle Parker, Deborah Taylor and Uncle Joe Walker innovatively fuse traditional and contemporary arts and culture in their practice and will participate in this unique cultural exchange as representatives from each of the Nations.
Ashley Lindsay, General Manager Clarence Valley Council said “We’re not an Aboriginal organisation but we’re keen to continually strengthen connections with our First Nations people. This is just one of the avenues we are working on at Clarence Valley Council in building our relationships with our First Nations communities”.
Check against delivery
Madam Speaker,
In January last year I was honoured to receive the support of my colleagues to become the State’s 46th Premier and shortly after that, around 12 months to the day, coronavirus found its way to the Australian mainland and unfortunately to our shores as well.
We were faced with the probability of a significant health crisis if action wasn’t taken swiftly to protect our community, that action meant limiting people’s movements and closing businesses where people congregated, and sadly the impact on our economy was severe.
We banned cruise ships, closed our borders and we stayed home to save lives.