Decapitated, Gutted Animals Found in Texas Linked to Satanic Ritual Officials
On 5/11/21 at 6:44 AM EDT
Authorities believe the discovery of 15 animal carcasses dumped near a road in El Paso, Texas, on Monday may have been linked to satanic worship.
A resident found decapitated and gutted sheep and goats near the Dyer Street and Railroad Drive intersection in the northeast of the city. It did not look like the portions for eating were removed from the goats. The bodies seem intact, Capt. Ray Spears, a game warden with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department told Satanic rituals, blood removal, possibly. Not a common occurrence to see that many goats dumped like that.
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Boston Post Cane tradition dates back to 1909
Gardner News
ASHBURNHAM The town’s oldest resident was recently honored by the Council on Aging. Rachael Bush Whitney, 100, who once served in the Army and has lived in the community since 1955, was presented with a Boston Post Cane certificate on Monday, April 26.
The cane tradition began in 1909 when the publisher of the former Boston Post newspaper, Edwin Grozier, designed 700 walking sticks with heads made of 14-carat gold and each engraved with the name of a town in New England, with the request that they be given to each community’s oldest resident.