Destiny 2: How to complete the Core Four Challenge Bungie
Destiny 2: Beyond Light’s latest Triumph, the Core Four Challenge, tasks players with coordinating attacks against Taniks the Abomination in the Deep Stone Crypt raid.
The standard way to beat the raid involves players knocking a series of nuclear cores from Taniks’ body, then placing them in containers scattered around the level map. The wrinkle with this process is that as the Cores are radioactive, they slowly harm players in their vicinity, making carrying them to the containers a little tricky.
When players first learned of an upcoming Triumph called the Four Cores Challenge, they assumed that this must be in some way connected to Tanik’s nukes – and, they were right.
Destiny 2: How to complete the Of All Trades challenge in a party of six
Destiny 2: Beyond Light’s new Of All Trades triumph challenges teams by forcing all players to complete the Deep Stone Crypt raid while switching buffs each round.
Seasoned parties will have no problem managing the coordination and communication that is required to pull off this challenge, but for those who have less experience, convincing six teammates to work together in unison can be a bit of a pain.
Thankfully, fellow players can created a neat workflow diagram to help everyone stay organised while switching between buffs.
Destiny 2’s Deep Stone Crypt raid perks may trickle down to other weapons
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Destiny 2’s best raids, and that’s due, in part, to the host of powerful and useful weapons players can get from it. Some of these weapons even include powerful, unique perks something we saw in the original
But those powerful perks won’t stay exclusive to the Deep Stone Crypt weapons forever. We spoke to
Destiny 2 assistant game director Joe Blackburn about trickle-down raid perks and what players can expect.
“We definitely want raids, when they come out, to be able to showcase ‘Hey, here’s some new, awesome things about weapons that we haven’t shown you before,’ and really get players excited about those rewards,” said Blackburn, highlighting the need for powerful weapons exclusive to Destiny’s pinnacle PvE activity. “We’ve sort of been all over the spectrum on here before. We’ve been in places where every good gun comes from a raid [.] And w
What you need to know
In an interview, Destiny 2 s Game Director Luke Smith commented that he wants to bring more identity to each of the classes in Destiny.
This is because right now, many of the different subclasses for Titans, Hunters, and Warlocks are very similar in nature.
If this happens, it will be when Bungie brings older Light subclasses under the same modular customization system used for the new Stasis subclasses. This may not happen for several years, though.
In a recent interview, Destiny 2 s Game Director Luke Smith noted that Bungie wants to have have one central system for supers, which are the ultimate abilities unique to each class subclass. Specifically, the developers want to bring all of the older Light subclasses under the same Aspects and Fragments modular customization system used for the new Stasis subclasses in Destiny 2: Beyond Light (check out our guide on how to get Stasis Aspects and Fragments if you still need to get yours). However, in order