Mini motor provides control for automated medication dispenser
Portescap mini motors provide a cost-effective, maintenance-free solution for the medication dispenser, which can be installed in systems designed for home use.
Automated medication dispensers for use by the patient have become more widespread with an increasing population and a demand for easier and more controlled self-administration of medication. Designed to be used without medical supervision, automated medication dispensers significantly reduce the potential of patients taking the wrong medicine at the wrong time or failing to administer. The dispensers also give patients greater control over their own medical care. The key demands on the system include accuracy and reliability of alerting the patient and dispensing, as well as ease of use for patients who are often elderly. Considering the public user base, automated medication dispensers also have to be low cost and must feature a robust construction.
COVID-19 Test Kit Cartoning Line Increased Productivity to Meet Urgent Testing Needs
ESS Technologies supplied three Model VC30 cartoners to create a complete COVID-19 test kit packaging line, increasing the manufacturer’s production capacity when it was critically needed.
This content was submitted directly to this website by the supplier.
Mar 3rd, 2021
As the coronavirus pandemic widened in 2020, a major manufacturer of fast-response COVID-19 test kits enlisted ESS Technologies to design and build a cartoning line to automate the packaging of pouched test kits.
By integrating a variety of FANUC robots with ESS-engineered automation, ESS designed and delivered three Model VC30 cartoning systems in a fraction of the normal delivery time. The equipment increased production efficiency and OEE, and automating the process allowed the manufacturer to re-assign valuable human resources to important functions not suitable for automation.