Gun Owners Bought More in Past Year; Are Rights Groups Changing Landscape? Ammoland Inc. Posted on
Beginning Monday in Washington State,handgun purchases will no longer be routed through the FBI’s National Instant Check System but be done by local law enforcement. Concealed pistol license holders will no longer be able to take delivery on the day of purchase. (Dave Workman)
U.S.A. –-( Thirty-five percent of American gun owners “say someone in the household has purchased a gun within the past year,” according to a new Rasmussen survey that also revealed the surge began in March 2020 and by October, “22% of gun-owning households said they’d purchased another gun since anti-police protests began after the death of George Floyd.”
A bill introduced in the Colorado legislature by State Rep. and Denver school board member Jennifer Bacon represents a blatant attempt to strip the State Board of Education of its
(AP Photo/Mike Stewart File)
A new analysis by a pair of gun control advocates doesn’t offer much hope for fans of gun bans, though sociologists Eulalie Laschever and David S. Meyer do their best to put a positive spin on their research in a piece published at the
Washington Post. The pair say they’ve “tracked gun politics in the United States from 1945 to 2015,” and based on their research they say they “do not expect Congress to pass new national legislation” anytime soon.
Despite that, the headline of the
WaPo piece screams that “now might be different.” Why? The academics claim that the NRA’s legal woes could spell the death of the Second Amendment movement.
Idaho Statesman Idaho students fill the gallery as H377 is debated and passed by the Idaho Senate Monday, April 26, 2021 at the Idaho Statehouse in Boise.
Across the country and right here in Idaho there is tremendous debate and much is being written about education and what our children should be taught in schools about American history, American government and what it means to be a responsible citizen in the U.S.
Like so many other conversations in our country right now is hotly debated and can be polarizing.
That’s why Bluum, a Boise-based education nonprofit, commissioned a veteran education journalist to profile four charter school networks actively engaged in the battle to educate and develop American citizens.
NEW SURVEY AFFIRMS MORE AMERICANS SUPPORT GUN RIGHTS, NOTES CCRKBA, These surveys show Americans are getting wise to failures of gun control and the importance of gun ownership at a time when the far Left wants to defund and disband police agencies