Clockwise from top left: The Faculty (Screenshot); Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade; Mission: Impossible (Screenshot); The Ring (Screenshot); Clue (Screenshot); Trainspotting (Screenshot); Boomerang (Screenshot
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Dentons hires nine-member insurance team from Cassels Bookmark Please log in to listen to this story. Also available in French and Mandarin. Log In Create Free Account
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Law firm Dentons has recruited five new partners from Cassels, Brock & Blackwell LLP in an effort to strengthen its insurance law practice.
In total, nine legal professionals will join Dentons from Cassels, including three associates and a law clerk.
“If we were going to be the recognized leading global law firm in Canada, we needed to scale up in a number of major markets including Toronto,” said Blair McCreadie, Dentons’ Toronto managing partner. “Adding star talent like this is really critical to that strategy.”
Dentons secures five-partner insurance team from Cassels in Canada
03 February 2021
Insurance flagged as a huge priority as nine-strong team joins Toronto and Calgary offices
Toronto Shutterstock Dentons’ Canada arm has boosted its insurance capability with the hire of a nine-strong team including five partners from Cassels Brock & Blackwell. The move deepens the global giant’s capability across corporate, regulatory and disputes with the firm identifying the sector as a ‘huge priority’ in 2021. The team, which will be spread across Dentons’ Toronto and Calgary offices, is led by rated regulatory specialist Laurie LaPalme, a longstanding Cassels partner, having joined the firm from Torys in 2003.