Sydney s coolest gelato scoops for summer 2021
Myffy Rigby
Photo: David Li Photography
Not much is certain about 2021 except the fact that it s an excellent time to be selling and eating gelato.
It really is the ultimate al fresco food. It s delicious. It s inexpensive. Chances are you won t have to travel too far to find a decent scoop. And it s very democratic – everyone young and old can take part in an iced treat. Plus, no one s hanging around for hours at a time for gelato. They get in, get out, and enjoy the results with very little contact. A banana split at Ciccone and Sons.
June Lee 31 December 2020
Bottled and canned cocktails go up a notch with new offerings from Pony, Curatif and Zouk Club.
Drinking and staying at home became a new habit during the pandemic of 2020, made easier with the multiple creative offerings from bars and spirits brands across Singapore. However, the short shelf life and fragile nature of these temporarily bottled cocktails (which needed to be kept chilled) made it difficult to gift and transport easily.
This new year, say hello to a new breed of shelf-stable canned and bottled cocktails, which do not sacrifice on flavour. Which one you prefer depends on your preference. We take a look at the local offerings from Pony and Zouk, and imported Curatif from Australia.
An Australian distillery is selling gin-filled baubles to decorate Christmas trees this festive season - and they re flying out of stock.
Gingle Bells makes the ornaments with craft spirits in its distillery in Sydney s northwest, infusing each bauble with one of six native Australian syrups to give them a unique flavour and festive colour.
Flavours include finger lime, wattleseed, snow chrysanthemum, wild hibiscus and pepperberry, with sprigs of native plants and flowers floating inside each container.
The decorations - which come in sets of six for $79 - can be ordered online from the brand s website to bring something a little different to your home this year.